Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The "Funk"

okay, so today i was reading the comments on GPP's website and there were a lot of people saying they were in a bad-food "funk".  i was loving reading everyone's post because for the past couple of days i have been feeling the same way!  i am constantly craving something sweet and delicious. and no, fruit isn't doing the trick! not even triscuts and greek yogurt are hitting the spot! so, today i said i was going to start over and eat clean for a couple of days to snap out of it.

well, i have done good so far - but now it is 7 o'clock at night and my mouth is watering writing this post. why?!

today i was racking my brain trying to think about when i go into "funks" and what the cause was for me personally.  i have come to the conclusion that i go into these "funks" as soon as i start not thinking about what i am eating - not being conscience about what i am putting in my mouth. because, as soon as i stop thinking about it i am shoveling a lot of unhealthy deliciousness in my mouth and then the cravings begin again and that is all i can think about!  but, i am all about moderation.  you will never hear me say i don't eat junk food.  because that would be a lie. i do, but i try to monitor it so that i don't go into these "funks". now, i have almost made it through day one of clean eating - getting those cravings back under control. i CAN do it.

i started my day out right with one of the premier protein shakes.  i cannot tell you how much i LOVE these. it is an easy and fast breakfast choice. not a hard decision there.

then, for my afternoon snack i tried to satisfy that sugar craving with greek yogurt w/ apples cut up in it. it did the trick! woot woot!

sadly now i am out of greek yogurt. i go through that stuff way too fast!

i was actually pretty excited for my dinner tonight because i haven't had these in awhile.  Jennie-O turkey burgers!

i love these things! they are like heaven in a box :)

these stats aren't bad either! only 200 calories and 16g of protein. i'll take that any day!

now when i make these i don't put them on buns. in fact, i just put some seasoning on it (tonight it was salt and lemon pepper) and put it on the frying pan. then, like tonight i serve it up with some steamed veggies and dip it in a little bit of BBQ sauce. it is delicious!

anyone else feeling the "funk" going around?  what is your cause?

have a good night and for all of you trying to get out of the "funk" as well - good luck with the clean eating!

lil kate ♥